In Sanskrit: Abhidharmakośākārika
In Tibetan: chos mngon pa’i mdzod kyi tshig le’ur byas
Homage to Manjuśṛī Kumarabhuta
After paying homage to him, who teaches in accordance with the meaning,
The one who permanently conquered darkness everywhere,
who leads migrating beings from the mire of samsara,
the treatise of the Abhidharmakośā will be explained.
Abhidharma is immaculate wisdom with its followers.
In order to attain it, who and what treatise?
Here, in order to be correctly brought into its meaning,
or because the basis of this is that, it is the Treasury of Abhidharma.
Phenomena are afflicted when not subject to analysis
for the reason that there is no method of pacification.
Because of afflictions worldly beings wander in the ocean of existence,
therefore, the teacher taught it for that purpose.